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Hear the music, and get down with your carrot self. Check out the website www.incurable-allure.com

Friday, May 11, 2007

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? (List #3)


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

10. 550 board feet

9. None. Woodchucks are just Groundhogs in disguise, furry bastards.

8. None. Chuck Norris killed him with a roundhouse kick

7. How does one "chuck"?

6. All of Sherwood Forest

5. Ulysses S. Grant

4. "it is decidedly so"

3. More than Sweden could, even if they tried really hard

2. It doesn't really matter, because each time he chucks a tree, the EPA says he's required to plant another one.

1. 30 arbitrary units of generic wood, provided by local lumberyards at cost. Because, gosh darn it, we stand behind our local woodchucks.

You can hear "The Woodchuck Song" on my myspace

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